Celebrating UN Women Third Panel: Where Do We Go from Here? (video)


Celebrating UN Women Third Panel: Where Do We Go from Here? (video)
(Ann Snitow, Yakin Ertürk, Charlotte Bunch, Farah Karimi, Mahnaz Afkhami)
This video presents the third panel discussion and an audience Q&A at Celebrating UN Women: The Way Forward, a symposium presented by WLP to celebrate the launch of UN Women, the most significant structure yet devised by the community of nations to address challenges and strategies for bringing about fundamental and all-encompassing change in gender relations. Ann Snitow moderates.

Charlotte Bunch emphasizes UN Women as part of the UN, and as civil society, our job is to push its agenda. UN Women should ensure that profiles of women around the world are amplified. She also notes that field work and policy must be linked to gender integration work of women; we must realize that we have the opportunity to talk about a more integrated system with this organization.

Yakin Ertürk notes that women are often put in position of choosing between rights and culture; it is this voice that needs to be integrated into theoretical frameworks of UN Women. For UN Women to go forward, two things need to be prioritized: Violence against women, and the UN Human Rights discourse, currently fragmented.

Farah Karimi notes that if we want to achieve UN Women’s vision, organizations that are working from within must be supported. She speaks on the involvement of youth in historical revolutions, and would like to see prioritization of work focused to end violence against women. She notes that careful attention will need to be paid to budgets, given large budget cuts faced by many organizations during periods of economic stress.

Mahnaz Afkhami connects the panelists’ comments to Michelle Bachelet’s thematic discussion.
Women's Learning Partnership
United States
Event Recording
Women's Learning Partnership
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