2020 Vision Conference First Panel: Securing Women's Safety and Dignity: Mobilizing for a World Free of Violence against Women (video)


2020 Vision Conference First Panel: Securing Women's Safety and Dignity: Mobilizing for a World Free of Violence against Women (video)
(Mahnaz Afkhami, Asma Khader, Sindi Medar-Gould, Jacqueline Pitanguy)
This resource presents the 2020 Vision Conference panel discussion, "Securing Women's Safety and Dignity: Mobilizing for a World Free of Violence against Women." The panelists, in order of appearance, are Asma Khader, Jaqueline Pitanguy, Sindi Medar Gould, and Mahnaz Afkhami.

Asma Khader (Jordan) emphasizes VAW’s centrality to the cause of gender equality as a whole, in addition to discussing VAW and women’s important role in conflict and post-conflict environments.

Jacqueline Pitanguy (Brazil) gives a broad historical overview of violence against women and women’s unequal status in society, before moving onto women’s rights as an essential part of human rights rather than a separate discipline. She discusses the results of a study conducted by CEPIA about violence against women in different countries, and emphasizes the importance of data-collection about VAW to make the problem visible.

Sindi Medar Gould (Nigeria) summarizes aspects of BAOBAB’s anti-VAW strategy, which emphasizes the training of girls and boys while they are still young in order to interrupt patriarchal modes of thinking that excuse VAW. She talks about efforts to bridge the gap between academics and activism by holding trainings at universities for students and faculty alike, and BAOBAB’s training of journalists on how to report on VAW.

2020 Vision: Mobilizing for Women's Rights and Ending Violence Against Women, a symposium co-organized by Women's Learning Partnership and the Social Research Journal from the New School for Social Research, was held during the 2010 annual meeting of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). 2010 marked the 15th anniversary of the 1995 Beijing Conference, as well as the 10th anniversary of the founding of WLP. The purpose of the symposium was to discuss strategies for the global women's movement over the next ten years.
Women's Learning Partnership
United States
Event Recording
Women's Learning Partnership
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