Thoraya Obaid Interview on Women's Leadership in Muslim Societies and Information and Communications Technology (video)


Thoraya Obaid Interview on Women's Leadership in Muslim Societies and Information and Communications Technology (video)
(Thoraya Obaid)
In addition to explaining her views about leadership, Obaid talks about women's leadership in Muslim majority societies and the difficulties in promoting women's rights and leadership while maintaining sensitivity and respect for the culture. She also speaks about cultural versus economic globalization and how Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) can dilute a culture's identity or help maintain it.

At the time of this interview, Thoraya Obaid was the Director of the Arab States and Europe Division of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). She went on to serve as the Executive Director of UNFPA and as Under-Secretary General of the United Nations (UN).

This interview was conducted for a Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) produced documentary during Cultural Boundaries and Cyber Spaces: Innovative Tools and Strategies for Strengthening Women's Leadership in Muslim Societies, which was a symposium organized by WLP in collaboration with the Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies and New York University held on June 1st, 2000, with the purpose of providing a forum for women to discuss the evolving role of Information and communication technology (ICT) for the global women's movement and in the fight for social change.
Women's Learning Partnership
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